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We collect and process personal data when you register for the Sans Pépin newsletter. This document gives an overview of the processing of your personal data by us and your rights arising from it.

1. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

It is the Cave Robert et Marcel group, an agricultural cooperative society with variable share capital listed on the Angers Trade and Companies Register under no. 786 195 859. The company’s registered office is located in Saint-Cyr-en-Bourg, Montreuil-Bellay, La Perrière, 49260 BELLEVIGNE-LES-CHATEAUX. It is represented by Mr. Marc BONNIN, Chair of the Board of Directors.

2. Why do we process your personal data ?

We use and process your personal data to be able to keep you informed about the latest news concerning Sans Pépin.

3. What type of personal data do we process ?

Last name
First name
E-mail address

3. Who gives R&M authority to process your personal data?

The Robert et Marcel group is authorised to process your personal data after you have given your consent. Consent is given when you tick the box 'I accept the personal data processing policy relating to customer accounts'.

5. Who does R&M share your data with ?

The data is accessible to the Sans Pépin website host and server host, and to employees of Cave Robert et Marcel. It may also be transferred to the authorities (police, etc.) on request.

6. What happens if you do not provide all the requested data or do not tick the privacy policy checkbox?

If you do not provide all the requested data or do not tick the privacy policy checkbox, we will not be able to keep you informed about the latest news concerning Sans Pépin.

7. Where do we process your data ?

Your personal data is generally stored within your country or a country of the EU/EEA but may also be transferred to and processed in a country outside this area.

8. Does Cave Robert et Marcel carry out any profiling or make fully automated decisions that produce legal or other significant effects?

The personal data collected by CAVE ROBERT et MARCEL is not subject to any processing operation of the sort.

9. What are your rights ?

Under the conditions and limits set by law, you have the right to :
- withdraw your consent
- access your personal data
- correct your personal data when necessary
- request portability of your personal data
- demand to erase your personal data
- request limitation of the processing of your personal data
- object to the processing of your personal data

10. How do you exercise your rights ?

You can exercise your rights by contacting Cave Robert et Marcel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You are also entitled to file a complaint to the CNIL (French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty) - 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris - phone: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22).

11. What happens to your personal data in the event of death ?

Cave Robert et Marcel will erase your personal data immediately upon notification of your death and in the absence of any prior instructions from you, unless we are required to store the data as evidence or in compliance with a legal obligation. In this situation, only data that is strictly relevant to the requirement will be kept, for this purpose only and no other. You may notify Cave Robert et Marcel whether you would like your personal data to be shared, or not, with a third party of your choosing after your death. You can notify Cave Robert et Marcel by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Legal notice & general terms and conditions

This website is the property of its publisher, the CAVE ROBERT ET MARCEL company, an agricultural cooperative society with variable share capital of 2,212,276 euros, listed on the Angers Trade and Companies Register under no. 786 195 859. Its registered office is located in La Perrière – 49260 BELLEVIGNE-LES-CHATEAUX, France. Publication Director: Mr. Nicolas Emereau, Editorial Manager: Mr. Vincent Barraud Website host: Pixim - 18 avenue David d’Angers 49400 Saumur – 09 80 940 199. By browsing this website, you agree to these terms. This Website is intended for the personal use of visitors legally authorised to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages in countries and regions where the sale, advertising and consumption of alcoholic beverages are regulated. Please leave our Website immediately if you are under the legal age for consuming alcoholic beverages in the country or region where you are located or if you are accessing our Website from a country or region where the use of our Website is not permitted. The Website and all its component parts (tree structure, text, logo, trademarks and trade names) are the property of Cave Robert et Marcel and are protected as such by copyright, trademark law, patent law and image rights. No licence, nor any right other than the right to view the Website is granted to the visitor of the Website. Their reproduction, printing and downloading is therefore authorised exclusively for information purposes for personal and private use. You may freely browse the Website without having to reveal any information of a personal nature such as your name, address etc. However, when you enter the Website, you will be asked to confirm that you are of legal age to view it. As an exception, on certain pages of the Website, such as the ‘Contacts’ tab, we may ask you to provide personal information (first name, last name, telephone number, email address, postal address, or professional information, content of any correspondence you send to us, etc.), so that we can provide you with the information you have requested, or respond to your online feedback, process any request from you, and adapt the content of the Website to suit your location and your needs. Occasionally, Cave Robert et Marcel may need to collect more data to enable you to access new services or take part in competitions. Your consent will always be sought beforehand in accordance with the principles of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended. We invite you to read our Privacy Policy.